Over the few months, busy doing my assignment (4 assignments due about the same time o.olll) and soon after finishing my assignments, my exam awaits...sweat...-_-" Play during the day and study at midnite while my caring hubby dear is always there to accompany me at midnite when I'm up to study for my exams n_n (Hubby Dear Wa Aishiteru~)
Yea~ finally my exam is over and oso just finish working with my hubby dear for 3 days in the PC Fair (that's the very 1st time I ever work outside while normally I work online) n_o
Ha..ha..ha..another new event is up in my club again which will be this Friday o.olll Nid to make my apron for the upcoming activity that I've is the 1st ever anime gathering for which invites anime and manga fans to join : D Yea~ can get to know more people who likes anime and manga in Kuching n_n Tomolo wil start making my apron for I'm the maid while my hubby dear is the butler and both of us will be the MC during that nite ; p
So long din update my lil bloggie so gonna update it 1st n_x