Every year when it comes to times like Valentine's Day or my hubby's birthday...it bothers me to think what should I gift him ....
Well, this year Serene got me the idea to gift something hand-made chocolate instead of buying the gift n_n
I started off with...chopping the hazelnuts into halves ♥
The main ingredient, BAKING CHOCOLATE~♥~
Melting the chocolate and it tasted like fountain chocolate when it's melted ^_^
Preparing the heart shaped mold for my chocolate ♥
Batch 1
Looks kinda uneven...
Batch 2
A little improvement...
Batch 3
After covering the top with chocolate, Batch 1 & 2 looks much better n_n
♥ All 3 batch of chocolate ready to be put into the fridge ♥
As well as the leftovers ^_^
The next morning...
After leaving it overnight in the fridge, they look nice and yummy *o*
All six pieces of chocolate with six sizes ready to be packed up~
Just right for my lunch box~
♥ Love Chocolate ♥

Looks kinda uneven...

A little improvement...


♥ All 3 batch of chocolate ready to be put into the fridge ♥

The next morning...