I have finished my final exam on Monday and currently, I'm just hanging around with at uni to wait for everyone else to finish their exam and while waiting, I'll take my sweet time to do some crochet and also make some doll dress for my darling dolls n_n
Maybe even learn to make some amigurumi *o*
Just that, I don't really know how to follow the instructions from videos or manual books while everyone around me has not much ideas on how to make crochet =___= Besides, I bought the wrong size of crochet needle and wool yarn...when I got back home, my mom told me that the sizes that I have bought is simply too small which is not that suitable for a newbie like me to start....T_T
So basically, I've learnt the basics just that I'm still dumb in making them into the shapes like what they did in the instructions and I only manage to make a weird looking net bag for my doll, Sophie =3=''' But then again, it's kinda relaxing in the process of knitting the crochet for it feels calming for the if you speed up the process, you might just make mistakes and especially for a beginner like me, it took me more time for I do not understand the instructions and I think, I'm taking a lot more time than other people to understand the instructions...but I'm looking forward to make a simple scarf