Today i went to my hubby dear's family shop again to make my costume (coz his family shop got sewing machince for sewing) Yea~ my costume is almost finish liaw n_n In the afternoon our fren, Adrian suddenly call up n told us that we'll hav an Extraordinary Executive General Meeting 0.0lll Sweat...forgotten bout it liaw...O ya forgotten to mention that i brought my kitty to his shop (stil sick but getting better) so eventually i've to bring along my kitty to school n_nlll (coz going home to my home after the meeting with my hubby dear)
Three hours after the call...
Three hours after the call...
Both me n my hubby dear reach school along with my kitty n_n
We went to 3.03 to wait before our meeting starts n some of the members oso came down awhile after that n....
Snapin pics of my sick kitty
My hubby dear playing with a fake samurai xD Hahaha...
mmm...later after that we started our meeting (nothing fun to talk about) while my kitty stays asleep n_n
bored.......don understand wat these humans r talkin about...
mmm....sleepin is stil my hobby~
1 comment:
Ahh~~!!! my pic!! Look like i'm sleeping pulak....=.="
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