just awaken from his slumber

Right timing for a cute picture
Brief background of Garfield
He's named after the well-known orange fat cat; Garfield n_n Garfield is adopted from the SSPCA; an animal shelther situated in 6 1/2mile (on the way to 7th mile town) his family consist of the mother cat; blackish striped with white patches tabby n her all orange coated with white patches kittens; 6 of them consisting Garfield n_n when we were browsing around the kittens, he was taking our attention by looking at us with his irresistibly-innocent-please-adopt-me-glare n_nlll he was the only one from his pack to sit in the cage quietly glaring at us (while his mummy was protecting her kittens fiercely Scary~) well, he is the one selected to be adopt from his pack n_n
His first destination away from his home
Our uni lobby is the first place he went and everyone adores him by cuddling him n caressing him n_n some snapping his picture while his in his box looking around at his the stranger enviroment n also new strangers @_@lll
Waahhhh... Kawaii ne!! Huhu.. XP
Getting a lil bit fatter now after eating sleeping n playing at nite when i'm back from uni
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