While my friends were paying for their car parking fee, I walk around the corner and polaroid-looking pictures caught my eyes... I always love polaroid motif collections and childhood themes items n__n When I saw them, I got stuck at the shop and I have to ask my friend to wait for me while I choose which one to buy *o*
I finally made the decision to buy these which are postcard collections that is pack in tin boxes ♥
The square tin box comes with 50 pieces of postcards in polaroid like form and 5 stickers ♥

The back of the polaroid postcards is an antique like postcard ♥

The back of the polaroid postcards is an antique like postcard ♥
The saleslady told me that it was a sales and discount have been given and they pack in 4 mini clips and a string as a gift n___n
5 pieces of stamps
Well, this set is packed with childhood theme cards and when I first saw it, I really wanted to buy it for it reminds me of the moments that I have imagined to have with my cat when I first had a cat as my pet ♥♥
Well, this set is packed with childhood theme cards and when I first saw it, I really wanted to buy it for it reminds me of the moments that I have imagined to have with my cat when I first had a cat as my pet ♥♥
♥♥ Among all the designs of the bookmarks, I love this one the most for it's a genuine and innocent friendship between a cat and the girl ♥♥
When I was about to make my payment for my collections, I found this lovely notebook diary and there were a lot of designs and I grab this rose pattern one for it's lovely♥♥