Our Swinburne Anime and Mange Society (SAMS) have been invited to Boulevard for the COSvention event which is held tomorrow until 2nd of August >_<" Haha...last minute preparation for myself for I'm just there to have some fun wearing my Lolita costume ^^ Check out some of my preparation >_n

Gonna bring some Re-Ments and my Haro-chan for display at the COSvention~ For the cake spoon and fork, they are for posing use when taking pictures tomorrow ^^

These are some of the stuff that I need to have it in my little house bag for tomorrow's use >_n Hehehe...the only thing that is not in the picture is my camera which I was using to take this picture ^^

The cute little pink ribbon is to mark my little house bag just in case anyone got the same bag and got mix up later at the COSvention >_<"
Our Swinburne Anime and Mange Society (SAMS) have been invited to Boulevard for the COSvention event which is held tomorrow until 2nd of August >_<" Haha...last minute preparation for myself for I'm just there to have some fun wearing my Lolita costume ^^ Check out some of my preparation >_n

Gonna bring some Re-Ments and my Haro-chan for display at the COSvention~ For the cake spoon and fork, they are for posing use when taking pictures tomorrow ^^

These are some of the stuff that I need to have it in my little house bag for tomorrow's use >_n Hehehe...the only thing that is not in the picture is my camera which I was using to take this picture ^^

The cute little pink ribbon is to mark my little house bag just in case anyone got the same bag and got mix up later at the COSvention >_<"
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