After 8 days of exhibition,
COSvention has come to its last day which is on the second day of August ^^
Though it's the last day of
COSvention event, nevertheless, there are still new things exhibited at the exhibition area as well as stage performance still goes on ♪♪
Macross Air Craft contributed by the Boulevard Management, Mr Peter
Side view of the air craft

The air craft is made from recycled materials, just look at the plastic bottles below the air craft's wing O__O

"Do you want TREAT or TRICK?!"

Meew~ Take us home...pretty please~"

Rain under the air craft ^_^

TeddyTales under the air craft n_n



Gideon and
Ngumbang ^^

I just love
Mika's costume =_=

He's the photographer for the the photo shooting activity which
SAMS has organized ^_^
After awhile...
Neko and Serene came to join us as well before the stage performance n_n

Me and
Onineko ~
Everyone makeup happily
Mika helping out Kimberly with her makeup

Serene and her
pinkie =__="
Onineko putting some lip gloss

Laughing all the way ^^

Our little Lolita for tonight's performance is almost ready ^^

Peace, Perfect Makeup~

Our new photographer, Tomi~

Soo many photographers taking our performer's pictures~

Me and a Red Lolita

One of the performers ^^

First time seeing my Oniisan wearing glasses O_O
Look so decent~

Oniisan looks a little...eee...fierce...
Oniisan become White Vampire...

White Vampire says "Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi, Gong Xi!"



Cloud is here as well ^^

Cosplayers posing for pictures

Luffy fainted O__O OMG!!

Penguin-san angry *_*

Luffy with a loaf of bread ^^

1..2..3..say cheese n_n

Found a Lolita ^_^ Opps she closed her eyes O_O"

Bunnie helping out with Onineko's makeup~
While waiting for the performance to start, we went to Famous Amos to shop for some brownies and chocolate *w*

Teddy with balloon crown ^u^ Kawaii~

Look at the Teddies and Chocolates o_o What an attractive view~ =_=

Heavenly view~

This is the place where all those wonderful cookies are born n_n

"Free Smells for everyone!"

Cute little teddy bear~

This is our friendly Manager, Mr Chen ^^
Nice! rain under aircraft?waa....indoor rain XD
Rain acts as an aircraft cooler so that when the engine is hot, it cools down with Rain water ^^
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