The stage and prizes for the winners for the Skit Performance ^^

Vicky signing before the Skit Performance starts ~

Final Fantasy group posing for pictures n_n

Taking pictures with the crowd ^^

New member in the Final Fantasy Group *o*

Reno and Cloud chatting in front of Ipoh Town O_O

Nice weapons~

First performer performing magic??? O__O"'

Here comes our lost little Lolita

Villains approaching x_X

Getting closer...

Looks like a ritual ceremony ^_^

Both Prince charming??? Or rather Vampire Charming Prince comes in to help the poor little Lolita up ^^

Being pulled up


The white Vampire snatches the Pink Lolita away

"Now it's my turn to snatch her back coz she's mine!"

White Vampire looking jealous o_o

"I snattttch again ^^"

"Lolita aside! Now is between us Vampire's Fight!"

"Bring it on!!!"
This is video for the fighting scene ^^

Oppps...looks like our black Vampire just lost the match and white Vampire escorting the Pink Lolita ^^

Escorting her to the front~

Nyaaa!! The white Vampire is gonna bite the Pink Lolita!!! ...but yet it looks soo romantic -_-

Bowing for the finish~

One Piece Group ^^

Final Fantasy Group

Onineko's Palm is swollen x_x

Now my palm is swollen -_-"'

Hands up in the air and say "CHEESE~"

SWATWolf enjoying his fried dumpling ^^

Sneak in for dumplings...


Mmmm...delicious ~

Mika's guitar is wear a pair of SHOES??? O_O

One of the crew member is also wearing the kitty palm ^^ Kawaii~

Is he gonna play a song for us???

Neh! Just for pose -_-"'

Posing for some group pictures~

Gonna be stabb...

SAMS is being awarded ^^

Ian is being awarded as well ^^

SAMS Skit Performance just won 1st Prize and look at the Pink Lolita soo happy ^^ haha~

A happy ending for the Skit Performance ^_^
~The End~
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