My first Prom Night in Swinburne happens to be a masquerade party at Four Point by Sheraton (Rainforest Ballroom) ♥ I have chosen Madame Red as my mask for the night ♥
♥ Madame Red ♥
♥ My New Hair Style for the night ♥

I was the earliest among my friends that day and I waited for my friends at the Lounge with my mask O_O Well, the ticket said compulsory to wear a mask but when I look around...nobody were wearing it just holding it to their own =_=''' Hence, I took Madame Red off for awhile before the Prom starts ^_^
♥ Madame Red in the Lounge
Intel preparing on the other side n_n

Chris and his beloved

Our I've Anime Boss and his new look

Our Legendary Photographer and his beloved camera

Billy and Yew King...should ask them to stand closer n_n'''

The Table Arrangements

--Table 39--

...far away from the stage...

Our Table's Arrangement

The Programs for the Night

Our Night Starts Here~
Wonderful Violin Play from him
Soon as our Lil Loli is here, she started to snap snap n_n

Our Handsome Guys in our table ^_^

Food Serving Cat Walk

Foooood ~

Marching to tables to serve the food n_n

Our first dish: Hot and Cold Combination

Itadakimas ~

Soup of the Night: Sweet Corn with Crab Stick Soup

A cute bowl of soup~

Our Best Singer of the Night n_n
Hehehe...I think he sings well that night ^^

Ian's Food of the Night: Plastic Mask x_x
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