2 weeks back, SnowFish found this wonderful shop at tHe Spring's newly opened 2nd floor n_n She brought us there and they sell a lot of cute hand-made decoration guitars and each are very unique and lovely
♥ The shop manager gave us a discount if we buy more than 5 guitars o_o So, I chose this one that looks quite like a real guitar whereby it has the some prints of wood stain *w*

This one is SnowFish's one which I quite like it at 1st for the carve one the guitar looks like violin's design and actually the reddish part is kinda metallic in color but my flash cause the metallic color looking flat... gomen ne~
Image taken from Amazon.comAt first, we were hoping to have anything similar to K-ON's guitar but seems like all the guitar looks far similar to K-ON's guitar =_='''

This is the antique version of my guitar which is in black and white color ^^
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