Saturday, April 10, 2010

Netbook Giving Ceremony

On Thursday, my dad was called up by TMnet staff and informed him to claim the free Netbook from tHe Spring on Saturday and the first time my dad told me about it...I really thought that he was either mistaken for something else or he had called the wrong number for all my friends whom had received their free Netbooks are delivered to their doorstep...
I reconfirmed it with my dad and he was positive about the call was from TMnet(he will never play a prank on me)
So early today, my dad once again received a sms from the same TMnet staff and the message directed us to go to their service counter at tHe Spring to register to get the Netbook (guess it is real after all)
When I got there around 10:30 a.m. I thought that I'll be getting Netbook and go off but they asked me to wait til 12 p.m. after some event that they are doing...
While waiting at my friend's work place(Momotoys)...
Both me and my friend heard an alarm coming from MBO and we thought it was a fire alarm at first but it turns out to be...the automatic roller shutter got stuck and after 1 and a half hours they still have not solve the problem...but at least there is still a hole for customers who insist to watch movies that time n_n''' was 12p.m. so I got down to TMnet's booth and found out that my Netbook will be received on-stage...
I used my mobile phone's camera to take some pictures =_='''
Looks as though I've won a Lucky Draw...
I was the fourth one to receive my Netbook n_n

Modelling our Netbooks for awhile....


Hotaru Ishihara said...

lol...eeee...we dint have ceremony de leh...dint know they would go to that! XD

Serene said...

Ya lo.. No ceremony for me too >.< (most probably) lol.. Why not they ask all netbook receivers go there ho? hahaha XD

TeddyTales said...

lol...Carol still got chance since you have not receive ur Netbook n_n

Cannot have all the receivers to go there ler...later too many ppl >_<'''

Ken Wooi said...

so nice to receive a netbook =)

Theeggyolks said...

wow! congrats

TeddyTales said...

@kenwooi: Yeap, it feels like buying a laptop and get free modem and free broadband for back a few months, my mom found a something on the newspaper than they sell the Netbook for RM888 and get free modem and later my friend found this even better n_n

@Theeggyolks: Thanks~

Love Fishes